Flexible ISA Clarity

I notice my remaining ISA allowance has recently increased by the same sum that I ‘borrowed’ and subsequently reinvested earlier this tax year.

Have ISAs quietly become flexible?

There was an announcment IE ISAs are now flexible. It wasn’t that quiet.
There was an updated T&Cs if I remmeber which account the email was for.
Yay - lucky you! :slight_smile:

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From current T&Cs on website, 1.12.24 edition :-
3.14. This is not a flexible ISA product.

From IE Help :-

What is a Flexible ISA?

  • 5 days ago
  • Updated
    With a Flexible ISA, you’re able to access your current or previous ISA deposits without affecting your allowances- as long as you top-up before the end of the tax-year.
    With InvestEngine, you’ll now be able to utilise the Flexible feature of our ISAs for free.

Dear InvestEngine: I am interested too - is the ISA flexible now?
If so, does your System support ‘borrowing’ prior-years contributions?
Consider updating the website T&Cs if ‘yes’.

Hello, thank you for flagging the required update for our terms and conditions. To confirm, we now offer flexible ISAs on our platform. Clients can also ‘borrow’ from previous years’ contributions, as long as the funds are returned before April 6th. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

thank you @DeeFunds for your rapid and comprehensive answer.
It is good news from InvestEngine, as it adds a benefit some of your closer competitors currently have. Good work!