BIG Delays on Purchases affecting my sales

Last friday i sold 2 of my portfolios.
Now im realising a huge portion was bought back/settled on the same day because of Purchases awaiting settlement which were made weeks ago or longer in some cases.
Basically the Sale seems to have triggered IE to expedite a whole load of delayed purchases on the same day. Which has meant 2 thirds or more wasnt actually sold.
Now almost a week later im down a big chunk of money due to rapidly falling stocks which my sales were intended to avoid. On closer inspection each ETF/ETC unsettled purchase appears on the same day at virtually the same time give or a take a minute or so.
Apparently IE are looking into it but there seems no sense of urgency from the email , or ackknowledgement of the scale and impact of the problem on me at this point.
Ive just been asked to be patient while its looked into.
On some of my Stocks this problem has resulted in a big loss since last friday of 5% or more on quite large investment!

Hello, we understand how concerning this must be, and we appreciate you sharing your experience. While we know you’ve mentioned that this is being looked into, we’d still encourage you to reach out to us directly at so we can review this further and assist you as efficiently as possible.

We recognize the urgency of the matter and want to ensure you get the support you need. Please do get in touch, and we’ll do our best to help.

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Im still not getting answers that are satisfactory , initially Denise , Client Services Manager was going to look into it, but since chasing im getting other people just stating its out of their control , so thats hardly taking responsibility and trying to find out why!
Its awful customer service and if
One more person asks if i need anything else as if they have solved my query satisfactorily i will go mad for asking and hoping.
Im just being fobbed off and dismissed.
Perhaps Denise since she is a client service manager could help further , perhaps ?

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Hello there, I am sorry to hear this and that you feel we have not helped resolve your query. I would be happy to look into this for you, could you send an email to support@investengine with ‘FAO Denise’ so I can pick this up? Look forward to hearing from you.

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