Cash deposit, when does it get invested

Morning folks, newbie here, not long opened an account and I’ve deposited £100 cash in from bank account to the ISA portfolio. Deposited 12:30 24/01/25. When will this be invested in the equities and the funds that I’ve chosen in my portfolio? Or do I have to do something myself?

And as an aside, when will the app show ‘in progress’ that the ISA transfer that i have set up. I’ve only got email confirmation at this point.


It depends if you have auto-invest on. If you do then it will be invested at the next trading window (14:30 on Monday). If not then you need to place the order yourself.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:


Morning :grinning: :wave:,
When you log into your account and you click on the name of your portfolio - can you see the note “Orders Placed”?

If yes - your orders should be actioned in the next trading window, aka Monday 27/01, if the money is in your account.

Same goes for when you click on Transactions - as long as you can see the orders showing there - they should be actioned in the next trading window on Monday 27/01.

The Help section also says this:

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Thanks folks, I’ll take a look at the portfolio now and see what’s what. Cheers

ISA transfers I’ve done have taken a couple of weeks. At first no sign of action on the app, then suddenly it all happens. You might want to check with our originating account starting in about a week’s time in case they’re asking for your approval for the transfer - some do, some don’t.

So in my isa portfolio it looks like this… note auto invest is ON.

And the transaction tab shows this…

Do we think this will be actioned on Monday then?

Cut-off for manual orders is 2pm, but it is mid-day for auto-orders. So you were a bit late for Friday.
Assuming you have chosen ETFs and allocated percentages in your portfolio, you should be good for Monday.

You won’t see the result until early evening (usually), so don’t think it failed before then.

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That’s my experience too

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You know what you want to buy, right? And you have already created your portfolio?

For instance:

70% of ETF A
20% of ETF B
10% of ETF H

And it is showing in your Portfolio at the bottom of the page?

If the answer to each of these questions is Yes then just place the order manually today.

Click on Invest

which will open this window:

All you need to do is type 100 into the middle field and confirm.

You should then be shown a confirmation screen and after confirming this your order should be set up and would execute on Monday afternoon.

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Yeh, got my portfolio sorted with funds and %’s, so yeh, sounds like it’ll happen Monday. Thanks

Just to complete this thread, the £100 got invested today and % wise it went in to the three funds I’ve selected at 40/40/20%. Thanks all.

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