Recommendations Website Tracking Portfolios

Anybody got recommendations for a Free Portfolio Stocks Shares Funds website so you can see your whole portfolio whatever platform it is on ?

i use google finance (for portfolios)
and yahoo finance for individual stocks.

i think trading view is regarded as the best but its approx ÂŁ20 per month.

hope that helps.


I mainly use “google sheets” spreadsheets rather than a portfolio website. The googlefinance function lets you do quite a lot of things based on the ticker e.g. pick up stock name, current price (slightly delayed), yesterday’s price etc.

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I am exploring just ETF at the moment. It will allow you to replicate portfolios including naming the platform. The performance can then be tracked there. It doesn’t seem to take the data from each portfolio platform directly.
The are other very useful tools there as well.

Morningstar has a good portfolio management tool that is free .


Just ETFs is another.

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