Avantis have launched AVCG.
Can you please add this to the list of ETFs please?
Avantis have launched AVCG.
Can you please add this to the list of ETFs please?
Is this something that could be considered?
Thank you!
Yes, come on IE. We need this!
Is this even being considered IE?
Be great to have some feedback.
AVSG was launched last month and despite the over £100m AUM which most of it was at seed level, the trading volumes are not there yet.
We would need more time to see how it trades. Given the low minimum account sizes at InvestEngine, trades can be as low as £1, this can result in slower settlement times and/or wider spreads in smaller or recently launched ETFs.
To protect clients from this, we will revisit this ETF next month until we are comfortable that the ETF and its market makers can support our size of trades with ease.
@gmachado, thanks for your reply.
Can you also consider Avantis Global Equity UCITS?
The ticker is AVCG.
Hi Carl, thank you for your ETF suggestion! I’ll forward it to our Investments team to consider adding it to our ETF range and we’ll post updates here once it has been introduced
Any news good or bad on AVCG?