Hi All, a few weeks ago the “Lyxor EURO STOXX 50” (MSED) was migrated to “Amundi Euro STOXX 50” (ticker unchanged); with the TER increasing from 0.7% to 0.15%.
I monitor all my funds/pensions etc (across different platforms) using “uk.investing.com” portfolio Watchlists. Unfortunately MSED is no longer available to add to the watchlist. I contacted investing.com a few times but there responses have been just generic rubbish.
So what I’d like to do is swap my “Amundi Euro STOXX 50” for “iShares Core Euro STOXX 50” which has a lower TER (0.1%) and is also watchable on investing.com.
If I buy/Sell with a same day transaction, given they both track the same index. What losses might I incur (Bid-ask spread etc)?
Any help/suggestion would be much appreciated.
MSED on Investing.com last updated 25/09
MSED Share Price | Lyxor Euro Stoxx 50 DR C ETF - Investing.com UK