Managed portfolio availability

I noticed I was unable to create a managed portfolio and received the following from the support team.

I could not find any existing community messages about managed portfolios being missing or their planned return.

Therefore, I am raising this community topic so that someone can reply when managed portfolios are available again and I can be notified.

“ We are currently making important updates to our Managed and LifePlan portfolios to improve the features and services we offer. As part of these updates, clients will not be able to open Managed Portfolios, including any LifePlan portfolios, at this time.

Please note, that existing clients with Managed Portfolios are not affected by these updates. They can continue managing their portfolios as usual but will not be able to open new Managed or LifePlan portfolios.

While we do not have a specific relaunch date yet, we are working to complete these updates as soon as possible. We will share updates on our website and Community page and notify clients once Managed Portfolios become available again.”

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Yes, I just noticed this - the lack of even the broadest of timeframes is very poor given that InvestEngine don’t advertise the service as missing on sign up.