New Investor portfolio

Hi, I’m a new investor in the UK and I was wondering if someone could help me understand how to expand my portfolio.

I’ve got the benefit of being young so have got a high risk tolerance and ability to look at long term gains.

Currently my portfolio is 100% in VWRP as a s+s ISA while I figure out what move to make next.

I was wondering if anyone had any tips or knew of any good resources to learn more about different ETF’s to invest in.


Hey and welcome.

You are 99% of the way there. Only thing you are missing is small cap diversification and an opportunity to save a miniscule amount of money on fees. But you are pretty much fine.

My portfolio is;

80% SWLD,
10% EMIM,
10% WLDS

Suggest you watch this.

YouTube video on other ETFs

I think you should do some research. What works for me, might not work for you.
You need to have conviction in your choices otherwise you might sell when the market declines, and it will.
Sources I’ve found helpful can be found on my profile.
There’s no rush. is a excellent resource to start at. They have an Academy. Plus have some amazing tools for analysis and comparison tables which you can sort and deep dive into.

Wisdom tree have one of the better provider websites which includes Etf news, articles and market commentary and even their own podcast.

Anyone else got any good ETF resources to share?

I love MorningStar, and particularly the style box analysis they do of the portfolio components.
But I’m into factor investing so it suits my investment style.

cheers thanks for the links to some resources i’ll definitely do some of my own research and figure out what works for me.

I know the market is liable to sharp decline so i’m more than prepared to not panic sell (and probably more likely to buy more).

Thanks again !!

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