VTI Equivalent Using IE ETFs

Does anyone have any ideas on how to construct a VTI Equivalent here on IE? I am already 70% VUAG. I am going increase the S&P 500 to 80% and then was thinking 10% mid caps and 10% small caps…does this sound about right? Thanks

Morning :grinning: :wave:,
At the moment there doesn’t seem to be a single UCITS ciompliant ETF out there for us in the UK.

I found this breakdown of VTI - hope this helps.


Out of the charts on this website I think this is the one to look at:

So, you would need something to cover each section:
Large: S&P 500
Mid: Russell 2000 maybe
Small Cap: Small Cap ETF

However, there may be an overlap as different indices do define bands (Large, Mid, Small etc.) differently.

I can’t seem to find anything for Micro Cap though so you would need to bump up the other sectors a little bit.

Maybe like this?

Index ETF % of total
S&P 500 VUAG 90%
Russell 2000 RTWP, XRSG, R2S2 8%
iShares MSCI USA Small Cap CUS1 2%

Good video about this topic - start at 3:40 minutes

Good write-up can be found here:

Let us know how you get on, please.


That’s really interesting…
Thanks for that
There’s a new S&p400 mid cap fund with IE so I may do 10% in that and 90% VUAG

Russell 2000 is a small cap index