SPDR SPX4 ETF S&P 400 Mid Caps

This looks like a solid ETF to diversify my current US only portfolio…
I am not so interested in small caps
How much does the S&P 400 represent of the total US stock market, is it 7%? Would a 10% allocation sound about right?
Many thanks :pray:

Check this out bud:

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That’s really interesting. Shame we don’t have a total US stock market ETF. I think Vanguard do a Total Stock OEIC that’s another £1000 a share.

I think the Vanguard total US stock market ETF is VTI but I don’t think you can get that in the UK.

If you don’t want small cap, you could get iShares CU1. It’s available on here.

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Yeah I’m in that vanguard U.S equity index fund, you can pay any amount over £25 into the fund. Not like other vanguard funds were you have to buy full shares and there’s always a few pounds left over after the transaction U.S. Equity Index Fund (VUSEIDA).

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Ok thanks for that :+1:

Why dont you go global for greater diversification?

I think the TER is a bit high, 0.3.
While SPDR S&P 500 only 0.03 , and VHVG is 0.12

Fidelity do this fund so I am going to start an ISA with them

Morning :wave: :grinning:,
I think this ETF is now available - just found it in the recently added section: