This looks like a solid ETF to diversify my current US only portfolio…
I am not so interested in small caps
How much does the S&P 400 represent of the total US stock market, is it 7%? Would a 10% allocation sound about right?
Many thanks
Check this out bud:
That’s really interesting. Shame we don’t have a total US stock market ETF. I think Vanguard do a Total Stock OEIC that’s another £1000 a share.
I think the Vanguard total US stock market ETF is VTI but I don’t think you can get that in the UK.
If you don’t want small cap, you could get iShares CU1. It’s available on here.
Yeah I’m in that vanguard U.S equity index fund, you can pay any amount over £25 into the fund. Not like other vanguard funds were you have to buy full shares and there’s always a few pounds left over after the transaction U.S. Equity Index Fund (VUSEIDA).
Ok thanks for that
Why dont you go global for greater diversification?
I think the TER is a bit high, 0.3.
While SPDR S&P 500 only 0.03 , and VHVG is 0.12
Fidelity do this fund so I am going to start an ISA with them