XNAQ Added Cheaper than EQQQ

Good to see that XNAQ has been added to the IE ETF range. Much cheaper than EQQQ/CNX1 and is accumulating. Nice one IE :pray:

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thanks for the notification and bringing it to our attention, and at a 33.3% discount too!

i dont understand why ‘the management’ do not post updates about new ETF’s being added to the platform!

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Tbh none of my other brokers do such as Fidelity so you have to do a scan every now and then. The XNAQ is fully replicated and follows the NASDAQ 100 for a snip at 0.20% and means that even with a bit of cash you can buy full-shares. It doesn’t have as much volume as yet, but if I would think that this will increase as people find it.

Saying that, I will only use the NASDAQ as a satellite holding to compliment VUAG, IITU and SMGB. 5-10% max.

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This is excellent - will look to transfer across from CNX1 later this month once my current transactions have settled.

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CNX1 is very expensive unless you buy fractional shares.

I’m on InvestEngine, it goes without saying that I buy fractional shares.

My mistake. I was with Fidelity who don’t do fractional shares and I forget sometimes.

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Last week even I have requested to ad XNAQ. Good to see its added.

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Great TER! What about the spread though? Is there a way to check the spread of each ETF on IE?

I usually just check the LSE website. XNAQ has a good spread as well. It is still a decently sized fund and of course the underlying holdings are the most liquid stocks in the world.


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If you type in XNAQ Spread into Google, it will tell you what it is. All Spreads fluctuate anyway, but unless you’re dropping a lump sum in, I really don’t see it as an issue, as the gains should offset any spread costs. Or else there’s no point to it all.