Accumulating ETF Requests


I’d like to request the following ETF’s if any can be added please:

We currently have ERNU listed which does the job but is distributing so it would be good to have some accumulating low cost equivalents listed.

I just joined recently and I’m liking the simple format, I’ll be transferring my SIPP once this can be done from providers other than Vanguard.


Hi @jimmy ! I’ve shared your ETF request with our investment team, and they’ll take a look at adding it to our DIY portfolio option. We’ll keep you updated along the way!

Historically InvestEngine have applied certain “rules” when looking to add ETFs.

Recently these “rules” have been challenged.

But quickly looking at XT01, for example:

Fund size is reasonable but not massive

Liquidity is pretty low (meaning IE are worried about setllement behind the scenes!)

The market maker network is poor. Of the 5 or so that cover XT01 I don’t think any of them (barring maybe BNP Paribas) is in InvestEngine’s RSP network (a fancy way of saying ‘market makers who they can trade with’). Without these IE couldn’t execute the trade even of they wanted to.

I think RSP network and liquidity will mean XT01 doesn’t make it on the platform anytime soon.

Of the brokers listed against XT01 on I’d say you’re probably gonna be better of getting it on Trading212… even if you have to wait for their SIPP