Alternative VGOV

If you are looking for a good all-round ETF for Gilts, the Vanguard UK Government bond ETF ticker VGOV, is currently listed as an Alternative investment on IE. It is probably the least alternative option possible, investing solely in Gilts. There is probably no ETF on offer from InvestEngine that is more bondy. I have asked IE to move VGOV to the correct category. In the meantime, you know where to find it for now.

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Why should someone consider this ETF? On first inspection its not encouraging!

@Omian: Nobody at the moment - but plenty were happy to hold it on April Fool’s Day 2020. I used to hold it until the likes of AGBP and VAGP arrived. Like all broad-based sovereign bond funds, these have also done badly - behaving as one would expect in an inflationary environment.
They may have their day again when inflation falls.
My point is that anyone looking for a broad-based basket of Gilts from a big ETF provider will want to take a look at VGOV and they won’t find it in the right place on InvestEngine. It is a clear error.

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@Onedrew - Thanks for flagging the issue with VGOV coming up as alternative.
We’re still looking into it but will get it correct asap.