Dividend Filter in Transactions

Any chance we can have a filter in the Transactions section for ‘Dividends’ please so they are easier to identify when received.

Thank you


Totally agree sorting and drop doens need to be able to search !!also pdf formatt for export or hard copy … ??Frank


I would also love to have a filter for dividends and it would also be great if you could display the total sum for a given timeframe.


Great feedback, I’ve taken some notes.

We have lots of this in our plans already;

  • Self-generation of ‘Valuation’ report for any date range
  • Redesign of the ‘Reports’ and ‘Transaction’ tabs
  • Splitting ‘Valuation’ report - so you can select to generate just a section of it such as transactions, trades, dividends or fees etc.
  • Adding additional formats csv or PDF

Internally we’re calling the next stage of the project Reports v4. It’s in plan for next month but I can’t give any promises re dates, we have to balance priorities.