Filter ETF by dividend frequency

Hello All
As the title is there a way to filter etfs by dividend frequency
such as monthly,quarterly,semi and yearly


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Morning :slightly_smiling_face: :wave:
IE doesn’t offer this option for their sorting table within the ETF Range tab, they don’t even show payment frequency on the quick stats window for each ETF.

They do mention it on the information tiles once you click through into an ETF.

JustETF also doesn’t offer this information as a criteria to be searched for:

But they do show it in the BASICS part of an ETF profile

However, you could have a looksee (or two) here:

This quarterly lookup separates by Stocks, investment Trusts and ETF.

This monthly lookup has everything on 1 page.

Please be aware that Balanced Commercial Property Trust (BCPT) is going to disappear soon as a cash acquisition has been agreed and the scheme has now become effective. Shares should delist from London on 18/11.