Help! Cancel transaction that has overfunded ISA


Due to a discrepancy between the amount I’ve deposited in my ISA, and the amount shown as Remaining Allowance (which I presume is a bug) I’ve over funded my ISA for the tax year.

Is there anyway for me to cancel a transaction? (the cash deposit transaction is still pending)

Or is there another way to remedy the situation? Divert it to the General cash for example?

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Wow I am surprised this can even happen

Another way to fix is is to withdrawout the overfunding from the ISA, whichever way is most conveniant.

In the unlikely event HMRC pick this up you can explain you took corrective action as soon as you realised.

Just for some clarity… £10k was my desposit limit due to contributing the other 10k to another cash ISA.

I imagine it would be harder to go over the £20k threshold (although I’ve not tested this).

The issue that made my error possible is that the Remaining Allowance figure was not up-to-date with my deposits to IE.

To their credit the support team have been very quick to get back to me and are also looking in to the (presumed) bug.

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Hi @CycloneRepair If I’m correct and yours is the issue raised with our support team over the weekend, we will be in touch as soon as possible once this has been rectified.

Situation all resolved!

Many thanks for the great service IE.