Really enjoying the site and service so far I just thought I’d submit a few bits of feedback. I have both a personal (ISA & SIPP) account and a business account.
- It’d be great to be able to link both accounts or at least make it easier to switch from one to the other on the Phone app.
- The list of banks for instant bank transfers is quite limited given it’s Truelayer. Having to do manual Transfers from Tide is a bit of a pain. A lot of businesses I work with use Tide.
- Also put me down as someone waiting for the ability to pay into my SIPP (or others) from my business. Not sure if sorting out linking of business and personal accounts would smooth this process out somehow?
- If you’ve got multiple funds in a portfolio it’d be nice to see them also represented on the graph.
Thank you
Hello there.
I can confirm that you are able to have both a SIPP and an ISA portfolio on the same account. Actually is the only way to have them, since we do not allow our clients to hold more than 1 account with us, unless they are a business and an individual account
Please get in touch with us to support@investengine.com, so we could look into this further.
Thank you for the feedback about the Truelayer bank accounts process for deposits and the list. We understand that manual bank transfers might not be the smoothes process and we are working on improving this.
As well as other services the employer contributions will be available soon and you will be notified according to your interest.
About the representation of singular ETFs or Funds, I have forwarded your feedback about showing them in the graphs.
Thank you for your valuable feedback.
For me the main and only feature request is connection to open banking to manage my portfolio through EMMA / moneyhub. This would be huge
The other is the ability to hide cash on the home screen because i invest everything i don’t care for the cash prefer just to show my portfolio balances.
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