SIPP Transfer In

Could you update us on when you’ll allow non Vanguard transfers into Inves Engine? I noticed that this has been stretched out for some time now, with no further progress.


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We are actively working on making SIPP transfers available to all providers. Given the high demand, we’re gradually launching this service in phases to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience for our clients.

You can be confident that we are dedicated to expanding this feature and will inform all clients once transfers from additional providers are enabled.

@Anastasia, are you also working making transfers from NEST available?

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Hi, what is the estimated time until the feature is available for the 1st phase of providers, please? Can you also please advise which providers will be available in each phase? Thank you.

Hi all - we don’t currently have a timeline we can talk about here, but as @Anastasia has said above, we’re working really hard on our end to roll out wider transfers to as many providers as possible. Similarly, as soon as we can share which providers will be coming next, we’ll share it with you here. We know how much demand there is - rest assured as soon as we can tell you more we will!