SiPP with Employer Contributions?

The Vanguard fee will be £4 per month if your account is worth less than £32K

£375 is the highest annual fee charged by Vanguard, it is not in addition to the monthly £4 free.

Once your account reaches £32K your fee will be 0.15% per year.

Brilliant, thanks for your response Sisaket

But am I correct in thinking that the 0.15% platform fee with Vanguard would be Free with invest engine?

Yes, that is correct. The only fee you would be paying at IE would be the actual ETF fee.

Morning :grinning: :wave:,
As you can see from all the post s about Employer Contributions - there is no committed timeline confirmed as to when employer contributions are actually possible.

Therefore … I think you need to act on the basis of this available information and open a SIPP with whoever is already offering the option of employer contributions.
This will also eliminate the need for your daily checks. As this is quite a big subject, together with the general transfer facility, I think you can expect that IE is going to make a public announcement about it when this option comes online.

Once this option is available you can then still decide to transfer your account.