Vanguard ISA Transfer - in specie or liquidate

Hi all,

I am looking at transferring my ISA from Vanguard. I mostly hold a fund that isn’t offered by IE which would rule otherwise doing in-specie. I am aware that Vanguard is known for sluggish transfers, so my question is whether it would be faster/easier to switch my holdings on the Vanguard side to an IE-offered fund then do an in-specie transfer from there? Or is there little difference compared to liquidating?


aparently it takes upto 30 days for an in specie transfer as per industry quotations,
(my cash isa transfer was 5 days.)

is it not easier to sell on vanguard and then rebuy on IE? i think it will be a lot faster.

I transferred an ISA from Vanguard to IE in September.
I too went to cash first, as it generally moves faster, though I was also aiming at non-Vanguard funds.
It took 8 calendar days (which included one weekend).

Hello there!
If you hold an ETF or Fund, that is not in our InvestEngine Range, you are not able to transfer it in-specie. You would have to liquidate your holdings, in order to transfer them as cash.

Couldn’t assure you that a Cash Transfer is faster than in-specie transfer, but the process is quite easier.
Please, keep in mind that any type of ISA Transfer can take up to 30 days.
Hope to have you soon onboard!