Dividends dates


I’ve still not received my ishares dividends. Do you have to trade for a certin period of time before they go in or do they just go in every 3 months regardsless of how much you make.

As its saying on there website its quarterly so should i just wait till the end of the month and if they’ve not been recived should i just come back to you.

The only reason why im saying this is because ive got some unexpected bills going out. Not that i timed it for this, just a random things thats going on atm lol.

Nice to hear from you all

William :v:t4:

Hi @Bobbywilly , we pay dividends out to clients DIY portfolios as soon as we receive them.

If you have a Managed Growth portfolio; the dividends are reinvested at fund level (so we never receive them).

Please take a look at our FAQs for more info, and if you need any help email us on support@investengine.com and we will be happy to help.

Happy investing : )

My ishares dividends arrived on the due date. IWeb usu same day or day after.Vanguard account a poor but consistent ten days after.