ETF Request iShares SP20

Hi there

Could we have the iShares SP20 ETF added to IE please?

It picks the top 20 companies from the S&P 500 and holds them.

Many thanks


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Hey! Thank you for your suggestion!
I’ve forwarded your request to our investment team for review. They will consider the possibility of adding this ETF to our DIY portfolio option.

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SP20 is a bit wild with so much concentration, but I’ve bought it elsewhere.

Stocklist shows it’s not actually available on many UK brokers just yet

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That’s the whole point thought, risk-reward

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Are there any updates on this I would really like to add this to my SIPP portfolio ASAP. Thanks!

Dint take to long for more platforms to start adding this ETF

Between your picture and the picture @Haggis_Mince posted in December - which companies are the new companies to have added this ETF, please? Just asking as both pictures look the same to me. :thinking:

The ones without the white writing on them “ not available “ it’s now not showing on Lloyd’s , Halifax , and RBS , iweb . So these four have SP20 ETF now

If taking more risk = greater returns then you wouldn’t be taking more risk…

Everyone would just buy the most risky asset possible and watch the cash roll in.

I’m suprised InvestEngine have not got on to this. Very suprised.

Don’ t be surprised - if you have a looksee at previous requests for new ETF’s to be added you will find that the track record of IE with regard to adding new ET’s / keeping posters informed about time lines or even making comments about time lines are all bloody rubbish / not good / pretty awful *delete as appropriate.

But… the ETF itself was only launched on 12/11/2024 and there are surely certain things to check before admitting it onto the platform.

IE has been asked in the past to advise time lines and what is needed to get ETF’s onto the platform and never really addressed this topic to my knowledge.

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Well let’s see if anyone from InvestEngine replies.

I’ll just keep bumping this thread until they do…

Hello. I’ve asked the investment team about this ETF, and I’ve been told that currently it’s too small to be added, with a limited trading history - but they’ll review it again next month.

Regarding generally what happens when you make requests for ETFs - we really are listening.

All the asks from here and our other channels are pulled together in a (very large) spreadsheet, which the investment team review regularly. Your requests have a weight on the decisions made about what we’ll be adding next.

There were no new ETFs in December, but a large group will be added this week. The team are also going through the request log to see if there are any that you - the clients - are particularly keen on that we can add to the mix.

We’ll be updating the new ETF thread soon.

Hope this helps explain our process a bit - and reassures you all that we really do listen to everything that you have to say on here - and that it plays a big part in guiding some of our decisions.

What is the minimum size an ETF needs to be in order to be judged worthy to be added to the range IE offers?
What is the trading history an ETF needs to have in order to be added to the range IE offers?

Bearing in mind that this ETF is very young - why do you think that other platforms in the UK already offer their customers the option of investing in it?

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Unless I’m mistaken, ETFs have been added today. The total is showing 773 but the recently added section doesn’t appear to have been updated

How can it be too small to be added when you offer smaller ETFs on the platform? For example SP20 is almost twice the size of XNGS which you already offer.

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I asked for this to be added back in November 24, still no movement I see? It has nearly £21 million in funds which is bigger than many of the smaller ETFs I see on IE. It looks like a good ETF and could become popular.

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Yes there are many ETFs who’s fund size is smaller than that of SP20’s and yet they are offered on InvestEngine, so I don’t understand how they can say that it is ‘too small’?

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@fionagraham, any news on the ETFs you planned on launching this week?

Hi @fionagraham, thank you for replying, do you know what date in Feb they will review this, and when will we hear their decision. This is an ETF that I most definitely want to add to my portfolio, and obviously don’t want to be just sat waiting around if it is just not going to happen. There are other platforms offering this ETF already, and if it is not being added to IE I would prefer to know as I will invest in it elsewhere.

Thank you.