What a month! Is the saying true about investing in July and August?

Wow! What a week! Or even a month… on the Stock Market.

I am still new to this and was not expecting things to go low then lower then lower again then make a recovery quite so quickly or if not partially recovered/but not quite fully back to normal-ish yet. Hairy or what? All I can say is it is changing every day and that there is never a dull moment.

With the above all my EFTs were in the red - did many people have any EFTs that were in the Green?

Has this made people re-check your EFTs and Profiles? And think about making changes or are you all happy to have faith and still loyal with the EFTs that you have got? Mine is a small account at the moment, but I do wonder as I will put more money in and hopefully it will grow. Guessing it is a confidence thing.

Just interested to know what people are thinking…

Thanks for reading…

I had a couple of old REITs which were in the green, but my main fund (global) was in the red. However I’m no longer tinkering. I’ve been through the journey of trying to pick funds which outperform during market downturns and I failed. So now, like many, I now mainly invest in a cheap global index fund, and take the return the market is delivering at the time. I’m never a big winner or a big loser, just a steady performer, with the bonus of no effort required to manage my portfolio.

I’d second PH’s view.
Tried picking winners, but there was always something out-performing.
The problem with a rising market is everyone looks good - easy to be fooled that it is expertise, until a downturn when reality hits.
I mainly buy global now too, just put a bit more on when the market feels cheaper, like last week (it can always go down further from there of course).

Thank you for replying.

Thank you both for replying.