I submitted an order yesterday with 4 trades, 3 of them seem to have been processed and are awaiting settlement as normal. But the 4th for Lyxor Smart Cash isn’t listed at all in the transactions list, even though it is in the orders placed screen. Also, although the balances of the 3 funds have been updated in the portfolio screen all the funds still have the clock symbol next to each balance and the banner Orders Placed is still being displayed. If I click on the invest button it says you can’t buy/sell securities while existing orders are processing. Any ideas? Support has said I need to wait for trades to settle which isn’t right. The orders placed banner and clock symbols in the portfolio screen(not the ones in the transactions list which are awaiting settlement) should have cleared by around 7pm last night. It’s still there at 11 am the following day. The missing Luxor order in the transaction list along with the 3 others which have been processed are still listed in orders placed screen.
Any ideas? It looks like the missing lyxor order is possibly causing an issue.
Any help would be appreciated