Morning ,
Could you please advise when the still outstanding ETF’s will be available for investment? This is now taking longer than 1 year with no update in the meantime.
Thank you.
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SPDR S&P Pan Asia Dividend Aristocrats UCITS ETF (Dist)
Hello! we appreciate you following up. These two ETFs are on our list of requests, and we understand how important this is to you. While I don’t have a specific timeframe to share just yet, please know that as soon as we receive an update from our team, we’ll be sure to keep you informed.
Morning ,
Thank you for your reply - however it is unacceptable that there is no update given for a whole year. And that is before we consider that the earliest request for the Emerging Market ETF was made in 2022 (ETF Suggestions - #24 by RaAl).
All of these ETF’s have been around for quite some time now - having been founded between 2011 - 2013.
Surely requests for new ETF’s being added are treated as projects for the relevant team - therefore timelines are / will be in place for checking if and when ETF’s can be added. And if that’s not the case then this needs to be implemented rather quickly.
And at least on a 2monthly/quarterly basis there should be a communication going out to inform the community of any progress or lack thereof (including reasons).
This is basic project management stuff.
And the sentence of
does feel like a slap in the face at this point - it should not be up to me or any of us chasing for updates and sometimes multiple times - you should be proactively sending progress updates - this is basic customer service stuff after all.
I seriously hope that the recruitment drive from November 2024 has resulted in more people having been hired for all levels of the operation - although nobody has mentioned anything despite the advert being linked on these boards.
Also, for every single person posting on these boards asking for ETF’s to be added and then asking for updates there will be a, maybe large, number of people who, based on what they see happening on these boards, don’t even consider posting / requesting ETF’s.
Something to think about in the next “Customer Engagement Meeting”.
Hi @Pinch sorry to hear you’re not happy. You’ll be pleased to hear that all ETF requests are regularly reviewed by our investment team, as has always been the case.
Regarding feeding back on the status of individual ETF requests on a regular basis, we really do get a lot of asks across different channels (not just here on the community). It simply wouldn’t be practical to feed back on the status of each individual request with the reasons behind the decision to include or not every month. As I’m sure you’ll appreciate, there’s also a limit to what we can share here.
We do try and feed back when we know something highly requested is going to be added, as we did recently. In part due to the volume of requests coming in, the team has changed the process slightly (details below), which means these will now be added at the end of this month.
Keep an eye on the thread dealing with ETFs added - it will be updated each month.
I posted this on another thread, but you may find it useful:
The investment team has come back to me with an answer regarding the process when it comes to adding ETFs, and has asked me to pass some more details that might be useful about the process.
We’re getting more and more requests for ETFs from customers, so from now on additions will be monthly, with the next round happening at the end of February. The inclusion process consolidates all client requests via all channels. This is a mix of ETFs that are large enough, so we feel it’s time to add them, client requests and ones with significant changes in AUM due to consolidations.
We now offer over 760 ETFs with more expected to be added at the end of the month.
Hope this helps - you’ll appreciate there’s a limit to how much we can share about internal processes on a public forum, but we wanted to be as transparent as we could be.