Why is my dividend not deposited in my account Or Investengine general cash account like the app said it would.???
I only just noticed that i have been paid dividends over the months. There was no deposit to nominated bank account or platform account whyyyy???
And most of the dividend where actually reinvested!!!
I don’t know why i cant see the kind of portfolio I picked anywhere on the app wish isn’t too good but i think I picked an Income portfolio with dividend to be paid out so why is this happening.
It’s crazy that I’m not even notified that I’m paid dividends when i am. I’m was free today and decided to actually scrutinise my portfolio & why my other platforms have paid dividends and investengine has only to see dividends where paid but NO NOTIFICATION or ALERTS or DEPOSITS to show this why??
And on the homepage of the portfolio where it says income paid, it doesn’t even show me i have been paid anything. This is quite annoying.